
Visual Studio

Bugnet Explorer Suite 2 integrates the Bugnet Project Issue Tracking System or Omnitracker to VisualStudio and TortoiseSVN/TortoiseGIT.

How to add a new server to the repository:

  • Open VisualStudio or Tortoise Settings
  • Open "Bugnet Explorer Projekt Browser"

Add a server to your repository

  • Click on "add server" to register a new server.

Enter URL for server

  • Enter the name and the URL of the server.
  • Define as URL the Website of how you select Bugnet Project. When using Omnitracker define the root URL to Omnitracker WebServices.
  • Press OK to save. Bugnet Explorer Suite is now checking if the server is accessible.

Add projects to server.

How to add Bugnet projects to your repository:

  • Choose the Server to which you want to add a project.

How to add a project to the server

  • Click on the icon "add project"

Enter infromation about the project

  • Enter the name of the project.
  • Enter the project code of Bugnet project. Should you use Omnitracker enter the category description.
  • Enter the username and the password to link the server with the project.
  • Choose the standard view for the ticket view. 
  • Choose the possible ticket status for checkin. 
  • Define the text which will be used as a comment at checkin. 
    {0}: Status
    {1}: Ticket number
    {2}: Ticket description
  • When saving with "OK" the link is validated.

The project is now available. To select the tickets at check-in the project has to be integrated in TortoiseSVN/TortoiseGIT.


In Omnitracker the views for Bugnet Explorer Suite 2 Need to be configured. Define in ChangeMgmt\RFCs the following filters:

Visual Studio - New Tickets

State = <user input : State1> AND Associated Category.Title = <user input : ProjectCode>

Visual Studio - My Reported Tickets

Applicant Login = <user input : Applicant> AND Associated Category.Title = <user input : ProjectCode>

Visual Studio - My Assigned Tickets

State <> <user input : State1> AND State <> <user input : State2> AND State <> <user input : State3> AND Responsible Login = <user input : Responsible> AND Associated Category.Title = <user input : ProjectCode>

Visual Studio - My Active Tickets

State <> <user input : State1> AND State <> <user input : State2> AND State <> <user input : State3> AND Applicant Login = <user input : Applicant> AND Associated Category.Title = <user input : ProjectCode>

Visual Studio - All Tickets

Associated Category.Title = <user input : ProjectCode>

Visual Studio - Active Tickets

State <> <user input : State1> AND State <> <user input : State2> AND State <> <user input : State3> AND Associated Category.Title = <user input : ProjectCode>